Monday, September 15, 2008


I have a job interview for the We the Free (a spin off of Free People) store that's opening in Brooklyn tomorrow morning. I'm so fucking excited.
Also, this is about to be the best week ever. Here's why:

- Wednesday night, after my double, Jess, whoever comes from the Foo, and I are going out to get delicious 20 cent wings at this bar in the west village.
- Thursday morning, Hellllllllllllllllllo Alysse.
- Thursday night, movie night at JT's place. This means Scott, his wonderful girlfriend Eva and so many other friends.
- Friday afternoon / night, the reunion I've been waiting for. No need for more
- Saturday, hangovers and hopefully a group trip back to Brooklyn?
- Sunday, Potluck dinner at 3sevs (pt. 2)

Does this not sound like the most glorious of ocassions???

Ah okay. I have to get my beauty rest. I have to be a tieeeen (10) tomorrow.
