Wednesday, October 8, 2008


"my eyes feel drunk. my stomach feels warm. but my body is fully functional."
"it's the tequila. you gotta be functional to take your clothes off."

I'll let you guess who said what. I'm currently drinking the non-alcoholic version of what made me say that earlier today- I came home from my newest employment endeavor ( and went on a brief, albeit fantastic bike ride. Riding a bike just makes me feel so adventurous and happy. After said bike ride Yessi and I pounded some tequira drinks and I fell asleep. I woke up and ordered Papa John's. Five slices later I'm in a bed that doesn't smell of me, but of a boy I (barely) like and still call.

I'm dialing old numbers again. But not making old mistakes. I want to go on vacation. Burlington maybe? Camillus? Rochester? or save my moneys and worry about those student loans that are about to come-a-knocking.

Where the hell is my winter warmth? I was really trying to be preemptive about this and all I've got is this stupid coat and these boots.

1 comment:

Alaina Stamatis said...

ooooo who???? is it a good smell? that statement reminded me of the time i came back to my goth roommate after being away for the weekend and there was a dirty hoodie under my covers...